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Use Links To Improve The Popularity Of An E-Commerce Site

SEO optimization is essential for the natural referencing of an e-commerce site, but it is not enough to arrive and stay at the top of search results. For this, you have to work on the popularity of the site. To achieve this, you need to get links or backlinks. It is a link placed on another site that points to yours. Thus, when the Internet user clicks on it, he is redirected to your site. Do you want to improve the popularity of your online store? Discover the most effective techniques to obtain links.  

What Are Backlinks Used For? 

When ranking search results, Google considers two key factors: relevance and popularity of the site. SEO optimization and producing quality content ensure relevance and establishing backlinks guarantees popularity. As you will have understood, it is not enough to improve the relevance of your e-commerce to reach the top ranks of search results. You must also increase its popularity. 

Pay Attention To The Links To Use

It is important to emphasize that not all links are created equal. You might be tempted to want to place links all over the place on any site to improve your popularity. This easy solution may do more harm than good to your natural referencing. Indeed, instead of making you gain places, specific links, negative, can downgrade you in the search results. Others, neutral, will not affect your natural referencing. Only positive links will help improve your positioning. The search engine may ban you if Google detects too many negative links pointing to your site. This is why selecting the blogs or sites to request links is essential.

A Trick To Recognizing A Quality Link

Several criteria are used to assess the quality of a link. Without going into details, a simple trick is to ask yourself the following questions: 

  1. Would you like the coveted site to talk about your e-commerce?
  2. Are site visitors likely to become your customers?

If so, you can conclude that obtaining a link from the site concerned will benefit the natural referencing of your e-commerce. 

Techniques To Get Backlinks

First, take the time to identify the blogs or sites on which you would like to obtain backlinks. Then ask their web admins to place links on their sites that point to your e-commerce. This process requires perseverance. On multiple requests, the number of positive responses is usually low. It would help if you were prepared for no returns and receiving rejections. Anyway, be prepared to send a large volume of requests in the hope of obtaining a good number of collaborations. The placement of links can then take several aspects. 

Writing A Guest Post

Also called guest blogging, this technique consists of writing an article intended to be published on a partner blog and including a link that points to your e-commerce. The goal is to make readers want to learn more about you and visit your site. To achieve this, take care to write an exciting article for readers. 

Through your lines, they must understand that you are an expert in your field, that you know their expectations, and that you are selling the solutions to their problems. Please note that this is not direct or disguised advertising. The article must provide value to readers. The latter must be able to deduce your seriousness and reliability for themselves. Writing a good guest post takes time, but the payoffs that come with it are worth the effort. 

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Product Testing

This technique involves identifying a blogger whose audience includes people who are likely to become your customers. The idea is to offer him a product and ask him to test it, then write a review including a link that points to your e-commerce. It effectively attracts qualified traffic and quickly generates direct sales, primarily if the article is well written and illustrated with photos. Be careful. Take care to select the blogger carefully! In particular, favor blogs that deal with subjects close to your theme and already have many visitors.

Also, offer to test products whose quality is guaranteed. Otherwise, you expose yourself to a critical article. Indeed, bloggers base their notoriety on the objectivity of their opinions. They do not hesitate to express negative opinions on a product they do not appreciate. In general, the most influential bloggers are difficult to access. Collaborating with them often requires a large budget or certain notoriety.

It is, therefore, preferable to contact a lesser-known blogger who will enjoy writing the article. Note that, in addition to blogs, you can also offer product tests to Youtubers following the same recommendations.  However, be aware that these links are not taken into account by Google in calculating popularity. They have no impact on natural referencing but can help with traffic acquisition.       


This technique for obtaining links is quite similar to product testing. It consists of giving a blogger a product that he can offer to his readers as a prize in the context of a contest. In return, you can ask him to publish a product presentation with a link pointing to your site and photo illustrations on the contest page. This type of partnership is very popular with bloggers. Indeed, offering gifts allows them to retain readers. As with product testing, this technique is equally effective with YouTube channels. In any case, be sure to choose the blogger or YouTuber partner. The goal is to gain popularity, offer a product that interests the target audience, and attract as many contest entries as possible.    

The Interviews

Guest or interviewer, whatever your role, this technique is a great way to get backlinks. It also offers the advantage of being easy to carry out while providing value to readers. This technique even turns out to be a clever approach to reaching influential bloggers who are hard to reach.  The idea is to offer them an interview you will publish on your site as an article, a video, or a podcast. In return, you can ask them to make a link that points to the publication from their blog. If you have an exciting story to tell, you can also be the interviewee. Then ask to participate as a guest on sites or blogs that regularly post interviews. 

You can also ask a blogger accustomed to your theme to do an interview. Note that you don’t necessarily have to be famous to give an interview. It is enough that the subject discussed interests the audience. Instead of dwelling on the presentation of your products and store, ensure value to the readers. It is better to define a topic that interests and give advice that will be useful to the audience. Moreover, it is recommended to offer the blogger examples of topics to be covered in the interview as soon as you make contact.

Other Tips For Getting Backlinks

There are many other techniques for getting links pointing to your site. For example, you can contact your manufacturers and suppliers to ask them to add a link to your site on their “Our resellers” pages. The websites of town halls and local authorities generally present a list of companies established in their territories. Ask to be registered with the link that points to your site. Ditto with regional directories. Also, contact your local online newspapers to offer them an interview. Reporters are always on the lookout for new stories. You can then request the addition of a backlink in the article. 

Stop Misconceptions 

Several received ideas prevent e-merchants from going further in the natural referencing of their online store. Many believe it takes excellent technical skills and a large budget to position a site in the first ranks of search results.  Others fear losing the positions they have acquired with effort as soon as Google changes its algorithm or even waiting too long before obtaining results. Faced with these false beliefs, it is essential to remember that 80% of the actions required for the natural referencing of a site do not require any particular skill.  

You don’t need to spend a single penny to get to the top of search engine results. All you need to do is apply the guidance detailed in this white paper. Above all, don’t be afraid of Google’s algorithm changes. As long as your site meets the search engine’s criteria of relevance and popularity, you are not at risk of losing your positioning. In conclusion, to gain visibility on Google, your site needs to provide relevant answers to the questions posed by Internet users and obtain quality links. Follow the previous recommendations to reach your goals quickly.  

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