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The Importance Of Positive Reviews On Google

To increase online sales, it is crucial to have positive reviews on Google. Here are some tips to get more and more. Reviews on Google are becoming more and more crucial in the customer buying process. The figures speak for themselves: 90% of people admit to reading the reviews of other customers on Big G before choosing to visit a site. At the same time, 88% of these find these indications useful in purchasing.

For these reasons, the importance of Google reviews is increasingly central to a company’s reputation and ability to increase online sales. Getting positive reviews also increases your chances of climbing the search S.E.R.P., which translates into more leads and more likely to sell. As you can guess, reviews are an aspect to take care of carefully. Here are our indications for receiving positive reviews on Google.

Google Reviews: The Latest Is Always The Most Important

To increase online sales, you must ensure that the reviews on Google are always up to date. Because? Very simple, the reviews deemed most reliable by customers are always the most recent. Usually, before completing a purchase, a user analyzes the reviews of the last few weeks. If, on the other hand, these date back to an earlier time horizon, it is elementary for the product to be discarded. Therefore, the advice is to ensure that you constantly get positive reviews. By doing so, customers who wish to purchase can at any time have a recent overview of the judgment of previous buyers, which can help the brand identity.

How To Get Positive Reviews On Google?

Unfortunately, a customer is unlikely to leave a review about your company without being invited to do so, reducing the possibility of receiving valuable user-generated content. But if we succeed in convincing him to leave feedback, we can use his judgment of him as a weapon to convince other users. Here are some tips to constantly receive reviews on Google.

Optimize Google My Business

The Google My Business card is essential for any company’s online presence and is the first step to making Google notice our business. To ask for reviews on Google, creating and maintaining your own Google My Business page is crucial. It is essential to enter all your contact details, company information and images of the activity in this form. This way, customers will be able to post reviews about your offer and your products.

Help Customers Comment

As already mentioned, a consumer often buys a product and, while supporting a satisfying experience, forgets or neglects to put a review. How do I get a positive review? In these cases, it is helpful to encourage him to leave a judgment through a C.T.A. at the bottom of a newsletter, a message on the Facebook bot, or a message on the smartphone. In short, it is essential to find a system to help him interact and share his experience with him.

Don’t Buy Reviews

Does your product only have 5-star reviews? Users will quickly understand that these are purchased or falsified reviews. In short, not really. Choosing this path is now counter productive. Consumers understand the game and tend not to consider this feedback. A mediocre, honest review is better than a made-up or bought 5-star review.

Bad Reviews? Answer Immediately

Another best practice to follow is to take negative reviews head-on. A customer may very well have a non-positive experience with your product. For this reason, he feels entitled to leave a negative comment. In this case, it is advisable not to delete the comment and rush to respond to the customer, trying to understand the reason for his dissatisfaction or prompting him to contact customer support to resolve the problem.

Not Just Google My Business

Google My Business is essential for getting customer reviews, especially if you keep the platform constantly updated with compelling posts. However, this does not mean that we should leave out other platforms where consumers like to leave feedback and consult with each other. Yelp may be a case in point, but many other solutions exist. An accommodation facility, for example, must carefully take care of the reviews from portals such as Booking or Trip advisor. These are some valuable tips for getting positive reviews on Google. It is not necessary to receive feedback from all customers, but the more reviews are, the more likely you are to sell.

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