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Metaverse: Definition Of Metaverse In The Marketing Glossary

Metaverse: virtual social environment, the consequence of the assembly between various advancements, wherein clients can associate with one another and with the climate around them all the more straightforwardly and quickly contrasted with customary informal communities, making the media experience seriously captivating and vivid.

How Do You Enter The Metaverse?

All you want is a PC or cell phone associated with the Web and a record on one of the different stages that offer the computer-generated simulation experience, which can be gotten to through a program, an application, or exceptional gadgets like VR watchers.

At times, however, extra necessities are expected to get to the virtual world, for example, the ownership of a particular watcher on account of the metaverse (previously Facebook) or the utilization of a wallet containing explicit digital currencies to make purchases on the Web. Inside the stage, for instance, MANA is the money of Decentredland, while the Sandbox stage utilizes SAND.

Centralized Metaverse Vs. Decentralized Metaverse

With reference to the structure of the metaverse, a distinction is made between:

  1. Centralized metaverse: the technologies are provided and managed by a single entity, the company that owns the platform, which is evidently free to manage the latter independently. As with social networks, the content produced by users within these digital environments belongs to the platform’s publishing company. Meta’s Horizon Worlds is an example of a centralized metaverse.
  2. Decentralized metaverse: technologies are managed autonomously by a DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization), i.e., by an organization governed through rules codified in specific intelligent contracts executed on a blockchain. Decentredland, which is an open-source platform based on the Ethereum blockchain, is an example of a decentralized metaverse. Precisely thanks to the use of technologies such as blockchain, users registered on these platforms enjoy more significant influence on the ecosystem in which they find themselves; the content produced and the digital objects purchased remain their property.

The use of blockchain, in fact, guarantees not only the security and transparency of digital transactions carried out using cryptocurrencies but also the ownership of digital objects, such as NFTs, which can be purchased in the metaverse. Among the technologies underlying the metaverse, it is also worth mentioning:

  1. NFTs, or non-fungible tokens, are digital assets based on blockchain technology that uniquely identify a digital object, such as an image, a video, or a work of art, guaranteeing its uniqueness and authenticity. NFTs represent a form of ownership of a digital asset obtained through traceable payment: each purchase and sale transaction is recorded on the blockchain in a memorable and non-modifiable way, and this information is easily accessible by anyone at any time.
  2. Virtual reality (VR) allows you to recreate a three-dimensional environment, real or imaginary, in which people can move and interact with each other and with the digital elements that make up the virtual environment in which they are projected. VR is accessed through peripherals such as viewers, earphones, gloves, and controllers that allow you to perceive sounds and tactile sensations.
  3. Augmented reality (AR) allows you to enrich the user’s sensory experience in the natural environment in which they find themselves, offering information that would not be perceivable with the five senses. Google Glass is an example of augmented reality, as is the Pokemon Go game or the Snapchat app filters.

Possible Uses And Applications Of The Metaverse

The applications of the metaverse can be multiple and concern different fields, including gaming, entertainment, business, education, and professional training. But before seeing them in detail, we need to focus on a fundamental characteristic of the metaverse.


Today, we tend to no longer speak of a metaverse in the singular but of a “multiplicity of metaverses”: an ecosystem of three-dimensional virtual worlds interconnected with each other, even if with limited interoperability. 

More specifically, interoperability in the metaverse lies in the possibility for the user to move from one virtual world to another while maintaining their digital identity and their virtual goods. To date, there is no total interoperability between the different platforms, which appear as closed and disconnected universes. Having made this necessary premise, let’s now look at the most widespread fields of application, namely:


The metaverse permits you to make and take part in vivid and intelligent gaming encounters where clients can investigate virtual universes, team up with different players, and trade computerized labor and products. Among the most astonishing parts of the metaverse is the chance to make unique games by taking advantage of the assets made accessible to makers by the stage. Among the most popular gaming stages are Fortnite and Roblox.

The Virtual Workplace: 

Notwithstanding amusement, the metaverse can be utilized to reproduce genuine circumstances in the work environment. It offers the chance to work in virtual conditions that mimic regular work areas, working with correspondence and cooperation between associates. Arising stages in this field incorporate Meta’s Viewpoint Workrooms and Microsoft’s Cross section.


The metaverse offers the chance to make and get a charge out of imaginative and customized instructional classes in view of computer-generated reality that animates client learning and commitment. An illustration of a metaverse applied to the field of schooling is Lock in. This social learning stage permits clients to make and take part in illustrations, courses, meetings, and studios in 3D virtual conditions. Clients connect with instructors by means of customized symbols and voice calls.

Marketing And Communication: 

The metaverse offers new open doors for advancement and client commitment through the making of occasions, promoting efforts, and intuitive substance in the virtual world. An ever-increasing number of organizations are putting resources into the metaverse to address the necessities of new ages straightforwardly. The objective is to advance your image and make commitments with your crowd.

Among the numerous models, we can refer to NikeLand or the Gucci Nursery, virtual spaces made inside the Roblox stage where guests can move and investigate the marked climate that encompasses them, take a stab at and buy dresses and extras for their symbols, and partake in internet-based occasions like the introduction of new assortments.

The premium in the utilization of these innovations by enormous brands is definitive because of the extraordinary open doors presented by the metaverse, according to a showcasing perspective. Think, for instance, of the Metaverse Style Week (or MVFW), a virtual design occasion that happens on the Decentraland stage. In its second version in 2023, the MVFW saw the support of in excess of 50 extravagance brands, who introduced their assortments through style shows and exhibited their lead stores with virtual changing areas.

In Conclusion

The metaverse is a continually developing reality that vows to change the manner in which individuals connect to the computerized world and, subsequently, offers new open doors and difficulties to our web-based insight. As we have seen, as a matter of fact, it can make intelligent and customized encounters that include clients and create esteem. Eventually, the metaverse isn’t simply an innovation but a dream representing things to come in which individuals will actually want to have vivid and customized encounters in virtual universes that are progressively coordinated with actual reality.

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